Over the past few years, dozens of local groups have formed
in response to frac sand mining. Many of these groups are simply neighbors who
began meeting in someone's kitchen, garage, or basement to study the impacts of
frac sand mining and to find ways to express their concerns. In countless
communities dealing with complex questions raised by mining, we've seen that
concerned citizens help to strengthen and defend local democratic
decision-making processes.
When organized, citizens have helped to stop proposed
operations that are viewed as incompatible with community well-being, such as
mining operations near schools, residences, or sensitive nature
reserves. Citizens have also played an important role in monitoring frac sand
operations, pressuring local officials to create new ordinances or
enforce existing regulations, and calling out local conflicts of interest. As with any grassroots effort, however, the
longevity, size, organizational capacity, values, and influence of the groups
vary widely and evolve over time. Some groups rise and fall quickly, especially
as controversial proposals or operations fade from the public eye, while others
might achieve an enduring presence in their community.